Criterion 4 – Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Key Indicator – 4.1 Physical Facilities






The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.

Describe the adequacy of infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching –learning as per the minimum specified requirement by statutory bodies within a maximum 200 words

File Description:

·         Upload any additional information

·         Paste link for additional information



The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc.

Describe the adequacy of facilities for sports, games and cultural activities which include specification about area/size, year of establishment and user rate within a maximum of 200 words


File Description

·         Upload any additional information

·         Paste link for additional information




Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.   : Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT facilities

Number of Classrooms  


Data Requirements: (As per Data Template)

·       Number of classrooms with LCD facilities

·       Number of classrooms with Wi-Fi/LAN facilities

·       Number of smart classrooms

·       Number of classrooms with LMS facilities

·       Number of seminar halls with ICT facilities

File Description

·     Upload any additional information

·     Paste link for additional information

·      Upload Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities (DataTemplate)





Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year(INR in Lakhs)

.1.4.1. for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary during the year (INR inlakhs)

(INR in Lakhs)  

Data Requirements : (during the year)(As per Data Template)

·         Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation

·         Total expenditure excluding salary

File Description:

·        Upload any additional in formation

·        Upload audited utilization statements

·        Upload Details of budget allocation, excluding salary during the year(DataTemplate)



Key Indicator – 4.2 Library as a learning Resource







Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

Data requirement for year: Upload a description of library with,

·        Name of ILMS software

·        Nature of automation (fully or partially)

·        Version

·        Year of Automation

File Description:

·         Upload any additional information

·         Paste link for Additional Information



The institution has subscription for the following e-resources

1.       e-journals

2.       e-Shodh Sindhu

3.       Shodhganga Membership

4.       e-books

5.       Databases

6.       Remote access toe-resources


A.    Any 4 or more of the above

B.    Any  3 of the above

C.    Any  2 of the above

D.   Any  1 of the above

E.    None of the above

Data requirement for year: (As per Data Template)

·         Details of membership:

·         Details of subscription:

File Description:

·         Upload any additional information

·         Details of subscriptions like e-journals,e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga Membership etc (Data Template)




Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)

(INR in Lakhs)  

Data requirement for year: (As per Data Template)

·         Expenditure on the purchase of books/e-books

·         Expenditure on the purchase of journals/e-journals in during the year

·         Year of Expenditure:

File Description (Upload)

·         Any additional information

·         Audited statements of accounts

·         Details of annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and journals/e- journals during the year (Data Template)



Number per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access)(Data for the latest completed academic year) of teachers and students using library per day over last one year

Data Requirement

·         Upload last page of accession register details

·         Method of computing per day usage of library

·         Number of users using library through e-access

·         Number of physical users accessing library

File Description(Upload)

·         Any additional information

·         Details of library usage by teachers and students


The HEI is requested to calculate the teachers and students usage library per day.

Average usage of the library by the college = Total no. of teachers & students in each day for all working days / Total no. of working days


(Note: Data template is not applicable to this metric)


Key Indicator- 4.3 IT Infrastructure







Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi


Describe IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date and nature of updating within a maximum of 200 words

File Description

·         Upload any additional information

·         Paste link for additional information




Student – Computer ratio

Number of students : Number of Computers Data Requirements:

·     Number of computers in workingcondition

·      Total Number ofstudents

File Description

·     Upload any additionalinformation

·     Student – computerratio

(Note: Data template is not applicable to this metric)



Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution


A.    ≥ 50MBPS

B.     30 – 50MBPS

C.     10 – 30MBPS

D.    10 – 5MBPS

E.     < 5MBPS

Data Requirement:

·         Available internet band width

File Description

·         Upload any additional Information

·         Details of available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution

(Note: Data template is not applicable to this metric)


Key Indicator – 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure







Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year(INR in Lakhs)  Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in lakhs)

(INR in Lakhs)  

Data Requirement : (As per Data Template in Section B)

·         Non salary expenditure incurred

·         Expenditure incurred on maintenance of campus infrastructure

File Description:

·         Upload any additional information

·         Audited statements of accounts.

·         Details about assigned budget and expenditure on physical facilities and academic support facilities (DataTemplates)




There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

Describe policy details of systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities on the website within a maximum of 200 words

File Description:

·         Upload any additional information

·         Paste link for additional information